In our project, since the application phase, a set of activities related to the management and implementation of the project was foreseen and supported by the approved grant. The activities that were carried out during the project development and implementation period used to increase capacity both at organisational and individual level for each participant in the activity.
The consortium has established, since the implementation phase, the organisation of 4 transnational project meetings, meetings attended by people from each partner organisation, people from the implementation teams. Thus these meetings were organised two in Romania, one in Cyprus and one in Italy.
During the implementation period, 3 short learning/teaching activities were organised for staff members of each partner organisation. These activities were organised one in each partner country, namely in Romania, Cyprus and Italy.
The main activities proposed and organised in the framework of the project, together with other on-line meetings, were the basis for achieving the objectives and the purpose of the proposed project implementation:
increase and improve the management skills of participants;
increase and improve language and digital skills;
knowledge transfer and improvement of multidisciplinary skills
increasing interest in Erasmus Plus opportunities
In the implementation plan agreed by the partners, three Multiplier Events were established and organised, one in each partner country, namely Romania, Cyprus and Italy. The events were a real success, as the project theme is a topical one, given the SARS-COV2 pandemic situation. Therefore, the multiplication events achieved their objectives, even exceeding the number of participants who showed interest in participating in these events. The objectives that were targeted, by organising these multiplication events, were:
increased awareness of the project theme
increased awareness and information about the four intellectual products
opportunities for potential partnerships with other organisations attending the events
increased awareness of EU projects and strategic partnerships
All project activities have resulted in a broadening of professional horizons, better collaboration practices, improved language skills, improved knowledge of diversity and multicultural factors and a significant increase in specific knowledge, skills and competences, not only in the field of marketing or tourism, but also in disciplines such as psychology, sociology, communication, economics, etc. All activities in which the consortium members participated or were part of have created conditions for valuable exchanges of information and best practices, thus directly impacting the professional capacities of those involved.