ZIVAC GROUP is a behavioral research and intervention center specializing in training, consulting, behavioral analysis and assessment, coaching, and conducting rigorous studies on the myriad ways emotions and perceptions impact human behavior.
Through their resources and a well-developed international network of collaborating experts, ZIVAC currently provides services to corporations, government institutions, law enforcement agencies, companies and professionals in various fields, both in Romania and abroad, responding promptly to requests and offering tailored intervention solutions.
ZIVAC is an organisation where individual and collective reflection and learning are constantly used to improve working patterns and efficiency, achieve goals and innovate.
Staff and external experts are therefore encouraged to learn from their day-to-day experience with company projects in a variety of ways, through critical reflection on what has been done effectively, what could have been done better and what implications a project might have for future work. ZIVAC prides itself on constantly evaluating the impact of their services and efforts and strives to make visible and lasting changes where needed.
Zivac is accredited by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Education through the National Qualifications Authority to run a variety of specialisation and qualification programmes.
The International Institute of Applied Psychology and Human Sciences (IIAPHS) is a cultural and scientific association based in Italy. Its mission is to promote applied psychology through international cooperation, EU FTA projects, courses and international conferences.
With a highly developed network of associates and over 28000 subscribers, IIAPHS has been particularly successful in their line of work, which consists of organising and implementing various training courses for applied psychology, covering a variety of subspecialties such as non-verbal communication, lie detection, manipulation and persuasion, etc. ; the organisation and implementation of international conferences, such as the International Course on Criminal Psychology, with leading speakers from Romania, USA, Italy, Cameroon and Poland; the production of a book: "Lies" on lie detection techniques; and a wide range of EU strategic partnerships, such as the Intelligence Profiling project, designed to produce intellectual outputs for intelligence analysts, policy makers, human resources professionals and other employees who manage key and high-authority information in both private companies and government entities.
IIAPHS brings together professionals from diverse backgrounds and countries, both in Europe and abroad, thus providing comprehensive expertise on topics such as psychology and social sciences: social psychology, criminal psychology, marketing psychology, forensic psychology, cultural psychology, etc.

Rivensco Consulting ltd is an innovative company that aims to establish itself as a major link between the academic and business worlds. Rivensco has representative offices in all major cities and offers training in various fields such as business, social enterprise, information technology and hospitality. Through our experience in EU projects, we support local businesses to participate in European and national funding projects. The efficiency of our operations requires cooperation with many small businesses and we pay particular attention to the central role of new technologies and the competitive advantage they offer. We offer English language courses, training and career guidance programmes for Cypriots, EU citizens and people from third countries. Our daily operations with several companies make our company ideal for a work placement, as it is in a privileged position to offer real experience in the field of office systems. Highly specialised professional staff include psychologists, teachers/trainers and business consultants who can provide training in a variety of areas; from new technologies to medical training.
Rivensco Consultants offers specialized training courses that are divided into four groups; creativity, productivity, planning and communication, with the general title "20+2" business skills. The courses include real-life examples that actively engage participants and make them think critically and thus learn to adapt to the specific circumstances of the business world. They aim to develop out-of-the-box thinking, with an emphasis on business ideas, innovation and creativity. We stress the importance of personal qualities such as a thirst for continuous education, personal drive and motivation, strong goals and ambition, a clear vision and always great passion in everything you do. In addition, the company can design and implement training modules for different companies in different aspects in an efficient and innovative way.
The "Bucharest Rescue Society" Association is an organization founded in 2009, it takes up the tradition of the Bucharest Rescue Society founded by Professor Nicolae Minovici in 1906. It aims to promote pre-hospital emergency medicine, to develop and implement professional standards and operating protocols for the entire pre-hospital emergency activity in order to increase the quality of the services provided. It comes in this way, but in support of the Ambulance Service.
In order to achieve its purpose, the association has the following objectives:
- To promote personal and professional development opportunities for its members and all those interested through training centers,
- to promote dialogue and exchange of experience between professionals in the field,
- to introduce and promote in Romania the latest principles and techniques of training in prehospital emergency medicine,
- promotion of the training profession,
- development and implementation of professional and organisational strategies and standards in pre-hospital emergency medicine,
- protection of professional structures and categories involved in pre-hospital emergency care,
- promotion of first aid techniques among the population.
The association campaigns for the support of life-saving activities.
It intensively promotes volunteering. It has over 1800 registered and active volunteers, both in the ambulance volunteer program and in the "There is a hero in every one of you" program.